Monday, August 3, 2009

"Mock" Mock Trial

This is Bianca from the mock trail. Last week we did a mock of the mock trail. lol. We went to the new business building, which is called Alter Hall, to see what it would be like to do a mock trail. For me it was challenging because I do not have any experience in talking in front of people or being serious in any situation, but i had to face my fears and practice. It was fun!! I got alot of feedback from my mentors and thier supervisors. They told me it was good that I moved around instead of staying in one place. Once they said that I started to become more comfortable in speaking in front of people. I had to get up and make up a closing statement because I am one of the lawyers questioning the witnesses. I was so nervoue and I flat out did not want to do it because I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what a closing statement was supposed to contain, but when my mentors, their supervisors, and my friends cheered me on to go up and say anything about the defense, I gained confidence and went up and said anything that was on my mind. At the end they gave me more positive feedback and I felt great that I did it after my heart stopped pounding. We tried to be serious but we were all was messing up. It was a good thing because now we know what we have to do to improve and make it come together before SHOW TIME!!!!